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Critical Dementia Skills (CDS) Series

Today starts a series of education that we will be rolling out each week. There are two types of education that will cover close to 40 topics over time.

The first type of education includes foundational or core concepts, such as finding meaning or ambiguous loss in care partnering, that will benefit (almost) all care partners on their journey.

The second type of education in the series will be practical or “hands-on.”  Examples of this type of education are bathing tips and advocating for a loved one residing in a senior care facility. These topics will not apply to every single family with dementia; however, they are very common.

Both types of educational types will be repeated often since rarely can any of the foundational or hands-on tips be thoroughly covered in one post. The subjects will be searchable using tags on the blog. For instance, clicking on the “support group” tag will display all of the articles on that topic.

Lastly, we will offer a brief skill-building exercise to do at your convenience. Why? Consider the steps of acquiring a skill from the Dale Carnegie Course:

  1. Attitude – If you want to develop a skill, it starts with attitude. If you are reading this blog, you likely desire to develop certain critical dementia skills.
  2. Knowledge – Through articles, videos, live rosaries, and podcasts, we offer knowledge.                    **It is important to not stop at acquiring knowledge unless you are seeking it as entertainment.**
  3. Practice – Knowledge is nice but it does not automatically become a skill. Skills take time and the right practice. Each article will have some question(s) for you to think, write, and share.
  4. Skill – Skills also develop with outside feedback and accountability. At the moment, we have the community and live rosaries to self-report how you are doing. This is in development; look for future resources for community feedback and accountability for you.

Check out the first foundational CDS: 1.0 Finding Meaning In Dementia

We hope that you enjoy this new format and find it interesting, digestible, and comprehensive for the numerous joys and challenges of dementia care partnering.

As always, your feedback is welcome and appreciated. God bless you.

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