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“What Must I Do in the Midst of Suffering?”


You may have heard of Fr. Benedict Groeschel, C.F.R. (Eternal rest grant unto thee, O Lord.) He was a Priest of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, a psychologist, an author, and the host of a live show on Sundays on EWTN. He also recorded all four mysteries of the Holy Rosary with Simonetta, which is played on EWTN radio every night.

I enjoy his Rosary recording and the reflections before each decade of Hail Marys. One of the most impactful of the reflections is before the Crucifixion when he says:

“Let’s not ask ‘why?’ a question that no one can answer; rather, let us ask the question, ‘What must I do to follow Jesus and fulfill the Will of God?” With the correct question and pointed in the right direction, one can to discern with God’s grace.

In 1995, Fr. Groeschel published “Arise from Darkness,” which covers the correct question. I recently discovered on the EWTN app (under On Demand) a 1996 5-part series of audio episodes of him interviewing Catholics who are enduring difficulties in life. I’ve listened to episodes 1 & 2, and they are very inspiring.

A preview:
Episode 1: Fr. Groeschel interviews Fr. Jack Gallagher, who was the caregiver to his younger brother Matthew for most of Matthew’s life.
Episode 2: A NYC police officer who was shot in the line of duty and a teacher who unexpectedly became ill and paralyzed for life.

Here is the link online (or you can search “arise from darkness” in the On Demand content of the EWTN app):

All of these lives are edifying because they are illustrations of “what must be done to follow Jesus and fulfill the Will of God” when tragedy strikes. Do not fear that these are sad stories; to the contrary, they are inspiring. I hope you listen to them and meditate with God on what He is telling you based on these testimonies.

Matthew Estrade, MA Gerontology
Founder, Catholic Aging
Aging & Dementia Caregiver Coach at MyCatholicDoctor

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